The book "Aljihade Islami" is a detailed book on the concept of Jihad in
Urdu Language compiled by Mufti Abdur Rahman Arrahmani. If you need a
book on the concept of Jihad this book is for you because this book is
contained on 889 pages even this book's index is more than 20 pages.
In the book "Aljihade Alislami" is a great effort of Abu Siaf Ijaz Ahmad
Tanveer and he spotlighted the real concept of Jihad in Islamic point
of view. He has written about all the aspects of Jihad with the
reference of Qur'aan and Hadiths.
The current events of the world increases the importance of this book
because many Islamic scholars admit that this is the last era of the
world and many signs of the Judgment day (Qiamah) has been occurred and a
few of them have to be occurred before the Judgment day. As Muslims
also believe in a battle "Armageddon" a final battle between the Muslims
and an alliance of non-muslims.

In the light of the present era and the situations of Afghanistan,
Palestine, Kashmir, Iraq and Pakistan we must know about Jihad as
Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him) told us that their will be a group
of Muslim who will continue Jihad till Qiamah.
So as a Muslim download this book and read and learn about Jihad and share it with your facebook and other friends.
Index of Segments of the book "Aljihad-ul-Islami"

Size: 21 MB
Pages: 889