The Book Dajjal 2 is written by Mufti Shah Mansoor Abu lubaba. Mufti Shah Mansoor Abu Lubaba has also written many books on Dajjal (Anti-Christ). The book "Dajjal 2" (Aalmi Dajjali Riyasat Ibtida se Inteha Tak i.e International Anti Christ state's from beginning to its end. In this Book Mufti has described the shape and the story of Dajjal i.e Anti Christ according to Hadiths and Islamic point of view. Mufti Shah Mansoor name comes to mind whenever Dajjal is discussed. Mr. Mufti Lubaba further spotlighted the Dajjal Anti Christ. He has discussed about Dajjal according to the current events of the planet earth. Mufti Lubaba wants to aware all the Muslims about this Fitna-e-Dajjal. he also stated how to avoid from this Fitna.
Anti Christ will be emerged in the planet earth with unlimited powers granted by Allah to test Muslims and Christians. Muslims and Christians believe in Anti-Christ (Dajjal). Similarly the Jews are waiting for his world great Leader i.e Anti-Christ, Muslims and Christians will be against of Anti Christ Dajjal while the Jews will be his followers Anti-Christ will be able to make alive a dead body and he will claim that he is a God and secular people will become his believers. Dajjal will be finally killed by Hazrat Eisa A.S (Jesus).
Index of the Book

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Pages: 250
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